Sistem informasi multimedia untuk meningkatan UMKM pada Kota Pagar alam berbasis web

Iskandar Iskandar, Yogi Isro Mukti


Pagar Alam in gething the data of improvement of UMKM then use manual system, process of collecting data of number UMKM, kind of UMKM so that of collecting data, reporting data non effective note taking of total UMKM and UMKM activities ar activity routinely done by goverment in getting UMKM data consist of total of UMKM, kinds of industry system developing method which used is Web Engenering method with some steps: Costumers, Comunication, Planning, Modelling, Construction and development.  By desingning this system information, get information system, dinamiclay and updating hopely.  Beside that this system information can be us one of alternativ media and conveying information with faster for user commonly.


Website, Engering, Multimedia, UMKM


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